Sunday, October 14, 2012

Local Educators Ahead of the Curve

Often times I will read something in the paper and think, "Gee, why aren't we doing that?"
So Friday it was an absolute delight to open the Chicago Tribune and see the story from Bonnie Miller Rubin with the headline High School Work Pays Off.  The article details a report from the National Association of School Boards that shows how high schools can greatly influence the potential success for kids who go on to college.  Specifically they mention the importance of more quality guidance counselor time and more Advanced Placement Classes.  If you follow the coverage in the News Tribune of LaSalle-Peru Township High School then you already know Superintendent Steve Wrobleski and the LP Board have already been making a lot of moves in this direction. I'm sure there is more to do, but its nice to see a local school ahead of the curve.,0,7272117.story

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